Server tenders

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  • Koenigsegg

    @All, " Imagine you are the one who helps others, yet you do it for free". "we don't need yet another Mesa server if there are already dozens of other Mesa servers with exactly same SSM configuration". So i read zi's proposal many times, trying to understand where he is going with this and I think that I vaguely understand some of the problem. Yes, it is annoying to see players asking for help only to see their server gone in a few days. I get this. But keep in mind that players looking for sfw scripts like the one that keeps explosives on the map after the player is killed exists. The problem is that additional sfw scripts is not found organized in one place so players will ask. What he decides to do about helping players is his decision to make alone. But he can't put the new comer's in the same basket with others who have been hosting legit servers on CryMp for some time and helping to keep the game alive. If the problem stem from too many servers and not enough players then he may want to limit the number of servers a player can host or spam with the same IP. I don't think that multiple mesa maps are problematic as the ssm determines how the maps will run. Actually it gives players more options as to where to play. The maps have never made the game but rather the ssm. Players in game experience will definitely be different from lets say a clean mesa map which was intended for original game play vs a map with entities from the pak files aliens lua! I'm not even sure that the topic being discussed is the real problem. It seems to me that there are more players interested in troling other servers than actually playing the game and they are primarily admins from other server.

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  • SashsBrest

    @mister, I didn't troll you, I just expressed my opinion about chat commands, nothing personal about you man. I see that many players are playing on your server, but almost all powerful players have become very rare to enter the game :( I don’t play on your server for half a year, because the autoloading of maps does not work for me :)

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  • Lycor

    !mute SashsBrest. :)

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  • SashsBrest


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  • Forsaken

    I think Koenigsegg made a pretty good point about limiting the number of servers being spammed by the same IP address. I can't think of a reason why an individual might want to spam 4-5 servers at this point in time. Having said that, crysis has always been a draw for me because anyone can/could host a public server and customize it to their liking and have it close to their circle of friends geographically speaking, so I would be sad to see that aspect of crysis disappear forever. I can see that some time gets wasted by 'admins' asking for things that take time to answer or create just to quit hosting all together a few weeks later (sorry if I have been part of that problem in the past), but if you ask me that's not a reason to prevent anyone from coming in off the street and putting up a server for fun every now and then and possibly learning some things and maybe creating something unique later on down the road. I'm glad this community exists and is as open as it is. I hope it stays as open as possible.

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  • Comrade

    Let's keep it as it is and just ignore those pointless questions about creating your own server. If you're too lazy to figure out these things yourself, running your own server has no sense. As server admin in Crysis, you have to deal with so many problems anyway. However, concrete questions and ideas are always welcome. :)

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  • Koenigsegg

    Comrade: "Let's keep it as it is and just ignore those pointless questions about creating your own server". I totally and unequivocally disagree with his statement. I even wonder why he would say this because I've seen him helping some of those new players. You see, new players are new additions to the crysis community and how they are treated matters. You definitely can't grow this community without them. Who cares if some of them just show up during the crysis hypes and then disappear until the next hype. Some of them stay and play on those servers that was most receptive to them. You keep the game alive by granting accessibility to all and most importantly to the new players. Cheers ;)

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  • Comrade

    I wish you could see how awful it is to explain all that basic info about creating servers over and over again. Especially when it usually leads nowhere and is just a waste of time. No wonder Zi wants to do something with it. Most people can't host their own server anyway because public IP address is required. I think only active players who know the game well should host their own servers. It's so sad when someone plays Crysis for a few days and then wants own server. It's definitely pointless. By the way, there's nothing wrong with helping new players with the game. I always try to help new players if they have some problems with the game. They just shouldn't try to create their own servers. That's all.

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  • heandel

    the addition of germancrysis was fantastic which has boosted the number of players this last time alongside 7oxicity and somthing remains the best of the servers. the sever of mister sd * Fun and fight (Classic Mesa & Dark mesa) * it's the worst ever. full of bugs and commands .. the rate of change to the games makes you think you are playing another game other than crysis. imagine a melon apocalipse in the middle of a game .. or a ninja player (heromode) who teleports from one place to another thanks to his supersonic speed or a shark which walks in the mountains. but still the most bizarre of all a bot called "beldi" a scarecrow that attacks players who miss the correct answer to these math questions (the craziest idea ever) I sometimes wonder where is " crysis "in all that bunch of modes and controls ... these have killed the crysis spirit and the old-fashioned game mode. I hope the other servers will keep the current configuration and will not follow the case of "Fun and fight" ------------------------------ i know :nobody forces me to play a particular server ..that's just my opinion nothing personal .. -----------------------------

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  • Forsaken

    Jeez, when did this become a 'rail on SD' thread? I mean, it IS BS when some entity kills you for no reason, and players run around using commands to be super fast and have super health - oh $#!7 I'm doing it too... xD Come on guys, he's just modding and having fun. Maybe someone should create a server criticism and critiquing thread for everyone to 'air their dirty laundry'

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