Wake Up

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  • TunSalat

    I blame globalism for many problems we have now. I wish we could just live as we are without someone pushing it to be more mixed etc. Japan is Japan. Russia is Russia. No problem in that, so let it be

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  • TunSalat

    About your question.. I think it's natural for any foreigner anywhere to have a bit tougher times "climbing up" than the natives. If I go to your country I'm a guest and will have to work extra hard to be "included" or get the same as you. Mostly, not always. IT area is special. But about fairness.. Many things in life are not fair and never will be. All the focus on fairness does is create victimhood. Are you are victim to be treated unfairly?

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  • Zi;

    Isn't it nonsense to be bound to nationality so much while it has nothing to do with your life? I was born in country X, so what? Does that mean I must automatically share my ideologies and culture with that nation? Except for speaking it's language, there's nothing else connecting you and your nationality anyways. Also, nobody ever chose where he will be born in, so why sentence him to stay in that place...

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  • TunSalat

    I don't care about nations/race etc. Im just pointing out things are different from one place to the other. And maybe that's perfectly OK. So let me ask you.. Should everyone have equal opportunities everywhere on this planet? Culture matters a lot

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  • Zi;

    Yes, I don't think nationality should play any role. Imagine it like a family. You don't choose your family, I think that you would agree, that just because someone comes from poor family, he should still have same opportunities in life as somebody lucky from rich family. Education, career and so on. Now constitute word country for family. After all, country is basically one huge family. Just because somebody is from poor country, why should he have different opportunities as somebody from rich country? Did he choose his country when he was born?

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  • TunSalat

    Ok imagine a group of whale fisherman in Greenland. In comes an Italian. He's been working on a cafè and dancing techno all his life. Is it unfair that he's not seen as a fellow whale hunter equal to all else? Of course not. And the person studying 1 week for doctor shouldn't have same opportunity as a 5 year graduate. I disagree that all should have equal opportunity. It ruins competence and quality. But yes there may be some who have a harder time than others, based on color or other. And that itself is wrong. Is it wrong that nearly all NBA players are black and tall.. How about the short Thai girls.. They can't join? Many things are what they are

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  • Zi;

    Where did I say that person studying 1 week is equal to graduate? All I said is, he has equal opportunity to become graduate as well, just like Italian has equal opportunity to become whalehunter

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  • Zi;

    Or does being Italian mean he can't start learning and become whalehunter like them?

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  • TunSalat

    That depends also a lot on his culture and upbringing. Does he fit in or create a tension by acting so insanely different than the natives etc

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  • Zi;

    Does he get job done or not? That's all you pay employees for. Who cares about cultures and beliefs.

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