Some servers are version 5767 (unpachted v1.0) and some servers version 6156 (patched to 1.2.1). Now it depends on what your gameversion is. if you patched your game you can only join patched servers. if not you can only play unpatched servers. So you have to know which version you have and join the servers with same version.
If you want to be able to play all versions then try this:
Copy your unpached game 2 times on your hadrdisk and patch only one of the copie. copie the zi; patchs to boath and run creat.bat. After you will have a patched and undpatched version and you will be able to join both server version by using the right crysis.exe if zi\'s browser appstarter ask for it.
I don´t know, and it makes me disappointed quite lot :(
There are many registered users, but only 1 to 3 players on server :( We could make matches on Sunday sometimes, you know, 5vs5 on Refinery etc or SteelMill/poolday_v2...
Look, Extreme Replay - the biggest community, just gave up and left...
We didn\'t just give up and leave :( There are many factors here. First is the possibility that many won\'t download and use the patch. To keep the systems online and maintain the server when nobody uses it, considering that even our Moderators were not so active, doesn\'t really help. I think what your patch needs is proper \'marketing\'. It needs to be communicated to everyone who used to play, if they are to know that the possibility to continue playing still exists. I have a few ideas if you want to chat, but putting the ideas into play is a little beyond my expertise.
It\'s little bit sad that while my free open for all patch stays kinda in shadow while GC one is advertised even in German PC magazine. But anyway leading war is useless, because usawe all know, wars never brought any incomes (except technology ones), but they brought only losses, so leading \"war\" would be useless and result would be that Crysis would have even less players than it has got in this era :-/
GerCrys policy for unjustly kicking and banning players will get the best of them. They won\'t survive long with their patch. You should market your patch everywhere - including where they market theirs. Let everyone know there is an alternative, which does not limit players to their own servers but to many more. A more viable and identical solution to the original Gamespy.