Please, Update your CryMP client

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  • SashsBrest

    Hi Zi. i7-8700K,32gb memory and gtx 960 i use 32 bit crysis exe and win 10 64 bit

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  • Omar

    Sash, Hi , Do you know anything about mining?! ;)

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  • Zi;

    Well, update is not forced anymore, you can download old client from CryMP page and install it over again

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  • SashsBrest

    Do you know anything about mining?! ;) :DDDD Well, update is not forced anymore, you can download old client from CryMP page and install it over again ok,thx Zi

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  • Freebo

    Zi. What about forcing for all old/previous client for a while (before fixing the new one - if even possible ever). If none is forced for all, there will be different clients in usage again which brings (as it was before) ID problems. Everybody should use the same version of client to connect servers. Even though for some of us newest works fine - we shouldn't be allowed to use it before fixing. If latest one is a problem for even 25% - previous should be forced for everybody (even those who want to use newest one and those who are using the one before previous). Maybe it's done this way already ? - but since I'm not sure if it works this way now - for the sake of consitency - which is important - I'm mentioning it just in case. Thanks for taking it into consideration. PS. I really love the new client but since it works only for some group of people it has to be foreced out. It's like with mods I put on my servers/maps - some work perectly for few people but I still remove them because other half of people is experiencing bugs with them - so for consistency is better to lock those effects/mods for everybody than make it work for some and make it spoil the fun of others. It's sad but I had to do it many times. Sometimes poor version which is more stable should be the main one as long as it don't spam us with bugs.

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  • Zi;

    New client can do everything that old client can, so there is no mess around profile IDs, those are consisntent for now

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  • Freebo

    Yeah I know. But misterSD already reported some issues about that today here: if it's not consistent with what old client was doing it's bad. But hard for me to test it.

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  • Zi;

    If something suddenly doesn't work, blame it on new client... it's that simple...

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  • Freebo

    Yeah it can be the case here. I can't test it so misterSD has to figure it out by himself.

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  • misterSD

    well, I see that we called me here. So I will explain the most possible the "bug" that I noticed. What did I noticed exactly ? simple : recently I added the "hide system" that consist to set fake ip; fake hostname and fake profile id to predefined players (me in the current fact, you are in this list Freebo so you can test it easy too) the fact you have to know : with cryfire when a player connect, server show in console all informations about him to all moderators and above. so before the new client : when I joined, the server showed fake informations about me to moderators when I joined the server, because the !validate worked before the connection. now with the new client, the problem is that : the !validate is slowly and apparently it no longer scan you when you connect, that mean server show me as profile id 0 (same for all other players btw) and then, the hide system don't know to me and show my real informations. This bug also affect the vpn detection : I protected profile id 0 (to avoid server ban everyone when it ban a single player). however to the vpn detection I have found a solution : every 10 seconds it check all players online... well I didn't know what I will do, maybe I will simply disable informations loged in console if zi; don't solve the problem.

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