Quote: Sorry for the following questions may be obvious for SSM developers but i am not one of them
So, to make it easy and clear. Have you played Minecraft?) If no, there is no profileID, just nickname, and as you come to server, you need to write /register <password>, which creates your account on server and anyone who would come to server using your name, will have to write /login <password>, otherwise he won\'t be able to do anything on server.
Administration works there this way, everything is on names, and /login,/register serves for authentication, so one name per one user is there, not million names per one user like on Crysis. Got it, what I mean? Instead of making administration system addicted on profileId, it can be done on nickname.
And other thing is, I never played Crysis Wars, nor I don\'t have it in plans. IMHO Wars = just paid patch for Crysis 1, because this logics:
Crysis 1.0.0 = 5767
Crysis 1.2.1 = 6156
Crysis Wars = 6729
Do you see how it follows? 5767 => 6156 => 6729
The only thing I provided to developers on Wars, was, that I provided sources for bypassing GameSpy login for both 32-bit and 64-bit, but where are they now, did they abadon their solution? o_O
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