Improved ban system

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  • Zi;

    You know it's not really an easy task to stop hate. You know, every word can mean insult given right context. Even something as simple as "you are like a girl" See sashs as example, I made special name protection for mister to not let anyone use name starting when m and ending when SD except him and here our 'good guy' sashs creates million fake accounts at CryMP to insult him (DickhunterSD) for example. So who is actually bad here? I don't care what people now think of me when I talk bad about them here right in front of them, but it's facts.

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  • Zi;

    I just find it really unfair to treat people with different metrics. If we want to punish someone for insulting etc, let's punish everybody who did that and lets not make saints from those who investigate about others but forget about themselves. Just like old saying goes, before you blame someone, take a look at yourself first.

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  • SashsBrest

    You know it's not really an easy task to stop hate. You know, every word can mean insult given right context.

    You just wanted to hate,when they created a player Smirnoff,you told me yourself how fun,it is when one administrator hates another administrator,mister hate me and smirnoff,i hate smirnoff and love mister),smirnoff hate mister and love me,its very funny,or you forgot is? You got what you wanted! It was not necessary to give cheats to Sadam, and even more so to make him an administrator,this gave rise to anger


    I'm sorry for my weak English,I hope Google translator translated all the words correctly, and you understood :)

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  • Zi;

    I wasn't one creating hate graph, Sashs, that was Youda...

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  • Freebo

    Since you start another discussion - I answer. Read it or not - nothing new here. Long and still no change - but it's coming.

    ============= Zi said: you know it's not really an easy task to stop hate. You know, every word can mean insult given right context. Even something as simple as "you are like a girl" ============= Yes I agree. But there is very simple indicator of this. If those words are not doing harm to any player and he likes to read those things about him or doesn't care is one thing. If somebody can treat it as a friend joke. But if those (light-insult - kind of) words goes to people who never insult anybody, or just happen to win, because are better or are not saying anything - this is proper context to see what is an insult and what's causing problems. I think it's very easy to see those differences and it's not an subjective judgement. But still it's not that hard to "stop hate" You can't remove hate from people who are full of hate, they will live with it their whole lifes if they love to be like that - but you can make gameplay better making those full of hate people not spreading their hate around by harcore insults. There are easy tools for some to make. Especially for gifted programmers. Technical sollutions to educate players what is right to say and what is wrong. I'm 100% sure they would be playing without those words anymore. But for making thos work cooperation is needed, dedication for a while to have next 3.5 years free of hate (which we didn't have). "not an easy task" is not an excuse for not doing literally nothing for almost 4 years - especially when there were many ideas for it and goodwill of people.. Not doing anything but saying "pleas be nice, calm down guys" - Is a joke. Insulters are like hackers a bit. Have you ever seen a hacker hacking on some server with crazy - easy to detect hacks? Still, after he was asked to not do it, kicked 10 times and banned for months ? almost never happens. He never returns and hacks for next years - because he knows he Can't play when he does it. And insulters are insulting no matter what - just because admins didn't do anything for over 3 years ago. So even though it's hard it is possible to change if there is cooperation between people. Even automated system can easily fix insults problem on forum and in the game. I know from a personal experience that it's not fun to play on server where people are insulting all the time. They don't have to insult you there. But if they are insulting others, people are leaving and I leave also because it's not fun to watch that hate. It's disgusting to see that people are creative only as insulters. It's very negative thing to experience - and should be fun. It's a game to relax after school and after work. At least on official servers - it should be like that. What people say or do on private servers - who cares. ====================== Zi said: See sashs as example, I made special name protection for mister to not let anyone use name starting when m and ending when SD except him and here our 'good guy' sashs creates million fake accounts at CryMP to insult him (DickhunterSD) for example. So who is actually bad here? I don't care what people now think of me when I talk bad about them here right in front of them, but it's facts. ====================== Respect that you have balls sometimes to say what you think. I wish it was like that 3 years ago when you could say things only in private and I still don't know if it was just being conformist there or real opinion of yours. So if you say what you think on public now - and it's what you really think - not something you "should say" - it's something to respect and here is when being admin starts really. There is a hope. I mean it. Sashs ? Everybody knows Sashs. Of course he can be arrogant (like already in 2014 on my servers), Of course he can insult easily (like on misterSD's server), Of course he can troll bases (he was one of the reasons I made rape of bases on Mesa Nostalgia almost impossible - or very hard exactly 2 years ago - because he was one the rapists) and he can use crazy names also (like you've been posting). We all know that. And it's very bad. Not better than other insults. If you think Sashs has some special rights here - you simply don't know me. Where did you get this idea ? - and we will work on that issue also. At least he is not using cheats and he reports some things with videos - Was doing that for last 3 years which was helpful to fix some moderators or hackers problems during years. At least he did something. But about it - some other time. BTW Zi. Speaking about "special names" used on server BTW. You rememer when I was recording PS official Event in 2015 (there is a video of it on CryMP.Net anybody can check it) - and it was right after I asked you very seriously worred about CryMP.Net opinion on otside forums - I asked "Zi please don't provoke Embak anymore, because he saw somebody with his name on our servers and was pissed off, called us untrusted and kids - and sended me a screen capture" - and you said "ok, I will not provoke" - and on that PS event on "Bridges" map - just few days later - when I was there to record official event (as you remmeber - you didn't know I was there because I was recording as spectator official network's video) - you said almost literally: "Hey, let's everybody change our name to Embak - to make Freebo angry" and thing like that. In normal environment I would treat it as a joke. I have 10x bigger sense of humor than you do - and I would laugh. I didn't say anything there. It was nothing new for me. But in those times - maybe you thought it was just a joke. But are you sure Embak thought the same way about it ? - and what were the consequences of this "joke" ? Especially when I was negotiating with Embak - convincing him that I trust Zi 100% and that: "Zi is trusted person in a network, helping people, He would never hack anybody's servers, I can rely on him, he is not some stupid tenager like you say, who provokes and hacks like you say" - and your "joke" was "very helpful" in this situation. It was not the only "joke" of course. Just "name change" example since you mentioned actions of Sashs. Actions which suck of course. But still. Which one of you was doing more harm to the network during "the war with GC" time in 2015 ? Your Zi? or Sashs's mindless insults now ? I don't respect his insults on other servers. I respect some of his works though - but that doesn't mean Sashs will be able to insult, especially in spring anymore if he wants to play on official servers - he can't do it on official servers. It's a simple rule. I'm sure he don't mind that, because anybody can have his own private server and insult there if he loves to. As long as he is not using insults in server's name - it's fine. So please don't bring Sashs's name changing example here - he is not special and he won't do it in the future. BTW I know about this name changing. misterSD told me the first day about it. This is why I know there should be tools to deal with that. For example in - you can't create insulting name for a user. It's just not possible technically - and will never happen there. This kind of protection should be done here with ease. Moderation is what I was proposing almost 3 years ago. It can fix literally everything in terms of insults, spam, etc. It's not about dictature, hiding info, disinfo or anything. But if somebody is using insults in his posts - it's an easy task to lock it. Forum insults, server insults, insulting account names can be fixed automatically. But it needs agreement and dedication - and you didn't want it for years even though I was giving detailed ideas about it. So c'mon. Now after 3.5 years you're saying it's me who is causing problems here and that "it's not an easy task" to stop hate. But it is possible to stop insults easily by technical solutions and actions of admins. Admin is responsible function. It's not a walk in a park. If somebody don't feel like being admin - nobody is forcing him to be the one. ================= Zi said: I just find it really unfair to treat people with different metrics. If we want to punish someone for insulting etc, let's punish everybody who did that and lets not make saints from those who investigate about others but forget about themselves. Just like old saying goes, before you blame someone, take a look at yourself first. ================== You're wrong here. If it comes to me. I will not treat. And I would never treat people with different metrics. Not at all. For example if misterSD who received official server after a while and effort he has put there - starts to insult people, abuse admin commands without any reason - his server won't be official anymore. if he starts to insult on forum - he will be banned on forum starting from spring. If you or me start to insult anybody on official servers or on forum, or lie about things without any clue or proof or anything to back this up - we should be banned on official servers also. We shouldn't post anything anymore. Unless people decide we can play or post anyway because we're they forgive or anything like that. If you see me insulting somebody on official forum posts, open chats or on your server - you can ban me and I will agree with that. Nobody have special RIGHTS here to insult. Of course Sashs knows what he is doing, what he was always doing. So he knows it very well and of course he shouldn't insult or spam chat, etc. Raping newbies - is another subject and it's DIFFERENT THING - which is HARDER to solve than insults or hate, etc - this is why for example Globder was playing on my servers for 3 years and I didn't ban him before he started to spread lies on forum - he could play - becuase he wasn't insulting people on my server with words (just with actions - and that's how problems started). If he was insulting people clearly - like some players are on other servers - he wouldn't play that long. I have to admit he was ok in terms on insults - at least in english. So this is the difference between INSULTS full of hate (sometimes crazy and out of nowhere) and raping newbies by certain way of playing. First problem is pretty easy to solve - and it goes for everybody. Nobody is protected and allowed to insult on official servers. You think that some guests here, newbies or old players who return know who has special rights and who doesn't ? You think they know who is admin or moderator ? They don't care - they just see people insulting one the other - it's disgusting to watch - it makes game useles. It's so negative to watch - that 2 years ago I made little mod for my game just to remove chat from my screen's hud - so I could play on Mesa Nostalgia and I didn't see those insults towards people (untill I opened console - which wasn't very nice to do). It was really helpful mod. Showing exactly how destructive just insults and hate on chat is. Let alone raping newbies or base raping - this is different problem - and this can be solved only with scripts, map mods - which people don't like but it's different story. Official servers can't have insults on, because it's a promo of the network and place that some people should have clean, fair and insult-free gameplay. You remember "SafeWriting" system of yours ? You know what I mean - and it's nothing new. The problem is it wasn't solved for 3.5 years. And it's time to do it now. Changes for spring - should do it.

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  • Zi;

    I will be honest now, so in case anyone gets butthurt, sorry for that. This post might seem lot racist and disrespectful. I know from a personal experience that it's not fun to play on server where people are insulting all the time. They don't have to insult you there. But if they are insulting others, people are leaving and I leave also because it's not fun to watch that hate. It's disgusting to see that people are creative only as insulters. It's very negative thing to experience - and should be fun. It's a game to relax after school and after work. At least on official servers - it should be like that. What people say or do on private servers - who cares. Again, why do you blame me for this? Most of players who keep insulting on servers are our beloved Belarusians, Albanians and so on, why does nobody blame them but all blame me for tolerating Smirnoff? Should I kick all rude Belarusians and Albanians too? Smirnoff is only one of insulters. Funny that all other insulters now play saint guys here, who never did anything wrong. Of course Sashs knows what he is doing, what he was always doing. So he knows it very well and of course he shouldn't insult or spam chat, etc. Raping newbies - is another subject and it's DIFFERENT THING - which is HARDER to solve than insults or hate, etc - this is why for example Globder was playing on my servers for 3 years and I didn't ban him before he started to spread lies on forum - he could play - becuase he wasn't insulting people on my server with words (just with actions - and that's how problems started). If he was insulting people clearly - like some players are on other servers - he wouldn't play that long. I have to admit he was ok in terms on insults - at least in english. You know what's funny, if you make system to reduce damage on noobs, all these better players, you gotta call them "better", because if you call them "pro", they will roast you that you are wrong, they can't be "pro" because they don't do it professionaly (arrogant as hell), so they are "medium" players. So if you do that kind of system, they will insult you for that and start spreading bad lies about server and give it bad reputation. Instead of taking it as challenge, that it's harder for them to kill someone, they get offended... What the hell? BTW Zi. Speaking about "special names" used on server BTW. You rememer when I was recording PS official Event in 2015 (there is a video of it on CryMP.Net anybody can check it) - and it was right after I asked you very seriously worred about CryMP.Net opinion on otside forums - I asked "Zi please don't provoke Embak anymore, because he saw somebody with his name on our servers and was pissed off, called us untrusted and kids - and sended me a screen capture" - and you said "ok, I will not provoke" - and on that PS event on "Bridges" map - just few days later - when I was there to record official event (as you remmeber - you didn't know I was there because I was recording as spectator official network's video) - you said almost literally: "Hey, let's everybody change our name to Embak - to make Freebo angry" and thing like that. In normal environment I would treat it as a joke. I have 10x bigger sense of humor than you do - and I would laugh. I didn't say anything there. It was nothing new for me. But in those times - maybe you thought it was just a joke. But are you sure Embak thought the same way about it ? - and what were the consequences of this "joke" ? Especially when I was negotiating with Embak - convincing him that I trust Zi 100% and that: "Zi is trusted person in a network, helping people, He would never hack anybody's servers, I can rely on him, he is not some stupid tenager like you say, who provokes and hacks like you say" - and your "joke" was "very helpful" in this situation. It was not the only "joke" of course. Just "name change" example since you mentioned actions of Sashs. Actions which suck of course. I did that ONLY ONCE, sashs keeps doing that repeatedly, so it speaks clearly for itself, so bringing this as an argument is terribly wrong. You're wrong here. If it comes to me. I will not treat. And I would never treat people with different metrics. Not at all. For example if misterSD who received official server after a while and effort he has put there - starts to insult people, abuse admin commands without any reason - his server won't be official anymore. if he starts to insult on forum - he will be banned on forum starting from spring. Actually, why the heck are you all blaming me for Smirnoff's doings? I gave him rights only on NoobSpot, I didn't give him rights on other servers and I definitely didn't offer him a server. Once again, I gave him rights only on NoobSpot, nothing else. So stop blaming me for "Smirnoff's combat school". You all are about to blame me for all Smirnoff thing, while I am only responsible only for NoobSpot, which is only a fraction of CryMP, like 5%. Well, probably it's my problem that unlike other admins, I interact with community here, while others simply not even give a damn to respond, like Smirnoff himself or other HS admins responsible for this. It's my fault - PARTIALLY - I admit, but NOT ONLY MINE. I'm sorry I don't have that much free time and now I am just using season with more free time, so I'm actually trying to solve problems and finally finish the client, and SSM, so we have minimum cheaters here.

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  • Freebo

    To close it for this weekend. Butthurt? Don't know what it means really. Years and years people are using it for no reason. Comes out often when people think that they can't tell somebody what they think because he is so self confident - he can't take any opinion. If people can't say honestly what they think (without insults) - there is where the problem starts and leads to talking behind the back. I'm open to any discussion. Unless somebody starts insults without solid reasons. If you ask about me - You can say any opinion you want and I will treat it seriously. Remember that people are judging others comparing them to themselves. For example thieves will always think that you will steal from them so they don't trust you. Just because they would steal from you - this is why. It's retarded logic which became popular nowadays. Please always say what you think instead of talking behind the back. Without calling names, with constructive opinions. I hope you do say what you think at least now. Talking behind the back or crying to others about somebody instead on confronting him - is clearly being a pussy. So butthurt is a pussie internet term. Let's not forget it. Please don't use it in serious discussions. People use it when they want to insult somebody and at the same time take away from him any right to comment. Who is blaming you for Smirnoff having official event ? Did I say that here? That it's only your work ? I asked you about it 5 months ago - You replied you didn't know about this server - and that Youda gave him server and you just made it official unknowingly (Youda didn't know the truth so it's only his lack of time to blame). Which we already know. Why do you come back to it all the time. No I don't blame you for giving Smirnoff official server. There are other things to blame (next week about it) . Yes Smirnoff is just one of many insulters and we all know many of them. Just like the list you gave. Always the same people. No fix for that for 3 years - Imagine that. I wonder why. I don't blame you for not fixing insults all alone. Only for not joining me to do that 3 years ago. And effects are still visible here. We would be fine now, having fun working on developing of client, servers, maps instead of talking about this BS all the time. Just if you could join me clearly against insults 3 years ago. But you didn't do that. What you did instead - will be in my text next Friday/Saturday - so I won't post it now here. "I did that ONLY ONCE, sashs keeps doing that repeatedly, so it speaks clearly for itself, so bringing this as an argument is terribly wrong." Yes. Of course. Once this, Once that... but even if it was only once - you can't compare yourself with Sashs. Don't you think ? Sashs is playing in our network. We're working on it and creating it's whole shape. Mistakes we do are "a bit" more important than what Sashs does. This is why I want to post my text next weekend - to clarify things - not to let them look like som crazy insults or something. And sashs will be talking nier on servers soon - I guarantee that. We're not talking about Smirnoff here alone. I'd say there are around 5 regular insulters - who were insulting also for 3 years just like so called Smirnoff was during that time. None of them is more important. The difference is: using cheats - which makes so called Smirnoff kind of "special" here. He would be less special if he was some unknown Smirnoff. But he isn't. This is why - as I think - Sashs is talking about so called Smirnoff all the time. Not because of his insults. Sashs was always provoking, insulting in some ways and then reporting others as soon as they started to insult him. We know the story. Nothing new. He wasn't doing that on my servers though - untill August/November (and only towards "Smirnoff") - so I wasn't muting him so far. But next time I will mute him on Friday event as soon as he starts to insult anybody or spread "any kind" of hate there. I don't think he will do it there. But if he does. I will react. So insults are nothing new - But insulting with cheating factor is new here. I think this is why Sashs is bringing so called Smirnoff here so often. Yes it's not only your fault. But wait for next weekend when I will paste my text. Maybe you will have some comments there and clarify something once and for all. And everything will be fine in the future. This is the point of discussions. Last 3 years discussions were just small-talks without any fainal effect. I'm glad you're back on works on client again. And SSM I respect that seriously because I was pretty sure - you won't do anything since you stopped 4 months ago. I wanted to switch some servers to CryFire because of functions which are there already. Maybe they will be available in Sfw soon ? - so I won't have to switch everything to achieve what I want. Switching would be huge problem for me. We will see that.

    We will make things clear and can continue things in spring. And admins will do their jobs on official servers and forum. Fine. Good luck and see you in this thread next saturday.

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  • Zi;

    If it were me, I would just ban all these insulters here, no exceptions, I don't have problem with that, but just imagine that wide spread of bad lies about the network after in Russian circles. And about using cheats, where do you take confidence to say that others don't use them, like globder? He never disclosed any information and knowingly abused all those glitches on servers, yet we still tolerate it. And no, Sashs is not bringing Smirnoff here because of insulting + cheating factor, rather than Smirnoff removing him from list of moderators when both would be online at same time on server, kind of compensation for that. And about new client and SSM, yes, there is gonna be lot of rework, starting with banning everyone who refuses to update within 1 month. I am not about to tolerate these people knowingly having outdated client in order to cheat or avoid getting banned on profile ID (by using temporary IDs from old old system). They will have 1 month, no less, no more. Another great thing about new client is no game files will be modified, so you can fully enjoy sv_cheatprotection enabled, not even main.lua or InstantAction.lua is gonna be modified. Trying to cheat with VPN, well, bad luck, no more ;) about butthurt, it was meant for Belarussians and Albanians to not get offended when naming their country, as 90% of all evil comes from these countries

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  • SashsBrest

    about butthurt, it was meant for Belarussian and Albanians to not get offended when naming their country, as 90% of all evil comes from these countries

    Why you hate Belarussians players,what a racism? WRITE JUST NAMES,NOT ALL COUNTRY

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  • Zi;

    Be silent please, from whole post you notice only this part, that's really sad.

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