Improved ban system

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  • Freebo

    For those who care or have time to read more than 5 sentences about so called "conspiracy theory". But it's not important anyway. Truth is not important - right ?

    And Yes it's for another thread but I didn't start the problem here.

    To make it more clear - from me - because it looks like things are not clear so far.

    ---- Zi said: "Smirnoff who became high rank using normal manners to become one" ---- Somehow - You're the only one who knows it for sure. And will "die" for repeating it. I wonder why? It's obvious why you care about repeating it all over again. ---- Zi said: "Smirnoff doesn't play over month as he switched to other game." ---- Yes - Just like he did in 2015 for a while and in 2016 for a while before coming back and playing on Nostalgia server and in 2017 before coming back in mid-year. So he will be back soon again of course. 100%. But it's not a problem as long as he is not hacking or insulting anybody. It's not a problem at all. I really mean it. There is another problem what that "story" was about... ---- Zi Said: "Aimbot detector was in development for a long time and was proven to work finally. And because several people asked me to share the script, I decided to post it here so not only few chosen ones can have it, but all can have it." ---- The funny thing it was published here and improved RIGHT AFTER Sadam stopped playing again. Can be a coincidence (I know you're "coincidence theorist" - but think for yourself - If aimbod detector was on-line before Sadam was "playing like a pro" this would prove it was not an aimbot. So you're missing logic in argumentations here again. Means the opposite in this case. ---- Zi said: "I hope things are clear and now stop with conspiracy theories." ---- ... Yes things are clear - and the main problem is that it's NOT SMIRNOFF It's NOT Smirnoff but SadamHusein you are talking about. And everybody knows it now - but while he was insulting players and using some aim cheats, while people were asking "who the hell is Smirnoff and how did he get so good in few weeks - out of nowhere" - when people were asking this question. (I wasn't asking who he is at that time just asking if he is credible - all I cared was to share the truth about things on my Truth event with him - which I finally did - and it was fine - I'm glad I could talk to him and he listened at least a little bit - doesn't matter what Sadam does with the info - it's only his choice) - but when all the people from the community who were fighting with him in Autumn were asking this question "who he is" and "is he cheating or not, because his skill went up in no time" - You KNEW exactly that it was Sadam all the time - and you didn't see the problem with hiding that. Even though you knew that people had problems with Sadam's insults before (and I'm not talking about me here) As the matter of fact - I wouldn't see the problem with him hiding behind new name if he wasn't insulting again as "the new guy" (with fresh records) or somehow cheating during fights - which create another problems between people - like it was in 2015, 2016 (always because the same player) ---- Zi said: "Aand fact that Smirnoff was admin on other servers has purely nothing to do with me as only mine server is NoobSpot and Youda putting Smirnoff admin everywhere was kinda unexpected for me also, since Smirnoff is such a unique character." ---- Well Youda trusts people like everybody should, so he made Sadam admin or server owner - and it's something normal to trust people. Only world of psychopaths makes it stupid to trust people. Question is which world are you want to be part of ? Real one or fake and sick ? ---- Zi said "Smornoff is such a unique character" ---- - well everybody is unique character in this community - and I'm serious about that - this is the best here. Sadam pretending to be Smirnoff is unique as Sadam always was. He was good partner to talk in 2015 - about many interesting things before he went insulting like crazy.That wasn't unique anymore - it was typical. By the way he was a good partner to talk on my Friday Truth events when he was there the second time, alone without you (for the first time - when he was there with you = full ignoration and arrogance. You "knew" everything and were asking most ignorant questions possible - but it's your choice). PLUS - The problem with Youda making Sadam Admin - is not fault of Youda. Youda is a good person - and he is simply not expecting to be lied to by people of his own community. He could make a mistake because he HAS NO TIME to check credibility of players. He even believed that Sadam/Smirnoff went away in October because of "health problems" - which I told him the same day was BS. And I was right. Sadam was back in few days. Youda trusting people makes him better man. Nobody should expect this kind of lies from people who are saying they want to help newbies, etc. So shame on liars here. Youda wanted to fix things. Well he failed few times but at least he wasn't lying to the community and he had good intentios. He just had no time to verify everything. Who would expect lies "inside". He had also good intentions trying to help newbies against some arrogant players, he just didn't know the truth behind all that "Smirnoff" deception. He didn't know that it was Sadam and that he wasn't pro aimer. But you did. You knew the truth all the time - and you revealed yourself finally in latest comments here - 100%. This is not a "conspiracy theory" it's a "conspiracy fact". Theory is something that can't be proven or tested with tools, data, logs or simple, common sense of smart people. This conspiracy is clear and If it was only me who discovered that - I would forget it - because I work on biggest things - but it wasn't only me who saw that - which made me check it deeper in january - took me just 30 minutes - and it's obvious. Proofs exist and are doing fine. So yeah. Let's stop all the jokes and making fools of players - and move on to other things and the future. To simply have fun and enjoy the game. I hope Sadam will be back again as Smirnoff, Kontra or with another, new name this time - and start to play fair without insults. I'd love to see that. But not waht was going on during 3 years - you know the problem for years and you made it happen again and helped to hide it which made it WORSE. Creating new lies - won't help the situation and wont fix anything. Better just stop it and forget about the problem. Credibility is lost - so do what you want if you want to. It's sad but - whatever. Like I said before - I would not have ANY problems myself with Sadam coming back with new name - and being nice, open for talking (like he was on 2 of 5 visits on my event) and playing fair with others without insulting like before. NOT A PROBLEM AT ALL. I never had problems with Sadam as a person but with things he was doing on servers, words he was uing on servers and on forum. I always liked to talk with him before he started to insult without a reason like crazy. We didn't agree on his business idols and stuff (who are lowlifes - but he just didn't know yet) but most of the time it was great conversation. I don't have anything against his "2pac" who was a funny guy. Besides - I'm not an enemy of anybody. It's not a sandbox for 5 years of kids to fight vs eachother just for sake of fight. So I would be 100% cool with him coming back with new name and playing fair. But more lies makes it worse. FINALLY to sum it UP - there were TWO problems: (1)-that you were hiding the fact that it was him (well it wouldn't be so bad since you like "games" like that - and as long as they are harmless it's your thing) but (2)-that he was insulting still - this time as "some other guy" on "another account" and using some cheats. Why I think - he was using cheats is becase I was fighting with Sadam few times on Mesa Nostalgia in 2016 and I know that he was always around my skill = medium (at max) - so no pro player would have problem with him - So if it was some other guy "Smirnoff" - this lie or cheat - would go without noticing - but since we know for the fact that it WAS Sadam - the situation is different. He had to use "something" to become pro in such a short time without training. Unless he was training for 100 hours with you on closed server before starting to be so good as people say. So if so - why don't you say so? I tell you why - because it's not true. He was medium in monday and pro on tuesday. Wonder why. I regret that I didn't take his invitation and try to fight with Sadam when he was using name Smirnoff last year. He wanted to fight me (He knew he had "secret weapon" so he wanted to have this satisfaction). If I tried to fight him - knowing it was Sadam few weeks later - I would be more than 100% sure about the cheats. But common sense and relations of others - after "connecting the dots" - can say it all. It all doesn't matter now. What matters is that trust was lost. We are all humans and all we needed was to talk - but no. Everything can be discussed. What's worst: Lies, deceptions and more lies... And solution was always simple - Nobody has to lie. Hackers and cheaters are banned, Insulters are muted - that's all. Nobody has to lie about anything. If he does that makes him look very bad and he loses credibility. I hope you can live with this. Just please stop faking the reality in the network - it's being faked everywhere else - and you do it even here in our private spot. If you like to live in lies - fine, believe anything you want, anything you see on TV or from govs all over the world - but don't bring deceptions to the environment of co-players. We are here together for fun not for wars. So it would be nice to have at least some normality here instead of another BS and fakery even here. That's what's so cool about many people here - Even if you don't know their real names - they are real in a game - and don't have to change identities every time to be welcomed on servers. They are who they are - and this is why they are respected so much. It's AMAZING and It's simple. Let's have fun and be for real. Fakery is for idiots and morally lost psychopaths. Please don't fall for that in the future. At the end of the day they all regret it right before they die. Not worth it.

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  • Zi;

    I just hope you are satisfied with pulling Youda out of Crysis now for real with no reason for coming back with all these mistrust conspiracy theories. Hope it was worth it.

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  • misterSD

    Well, I investigated about the theory of "smirnoff = sadam husein", and finally I have good reason to believe that smirnoff is not sadam husein. Well, they are maybe both "toxic" guys, but they are not the same guy. how can I be sure? I did a little research in old logs, I have saw the TRUE sadam husein in October 2017 on hotspot, he used the nickname "Rokijs", how could I know it was him? easy: it was the ONLY premium player on the hotspot server during this time (and in the !users, at that time there was not the !top or the "first 3 players" to give it) SO I have catch sadam husein, he thought he was not recognized as nomad. ok well, so what you all expect now, proof that smirnoff is not sadam husein. I did some research in my logs to find ip + profile id and my conclusion is: sadam's profile id is 1000744, his ip is -> log from 26 october 2017 !!! smirnoff's profile id is 1002524, his ip is -> log from 3 november 2017 !!! well, so with what i can see, sadam and smirnoff clearly do not have the same profile id and not the same ip. Again, I'm not saying the theory sadam-smirnoff is wrong, I'm just trying to show real facts.

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  • Freebo

    misterSD - you're wrong about it but yeah - you can believe otherwise. It's your right. One thing I can add to your comment - if you really saw Sadam playing exactly the same week as Smirnoff was playing - that means that info from Zi (from the same period of time) that Sadam is away and nobody knows where he is - was a lie - so you brought another proof Most of the time Sadam/Smirnoff was using permanent ID of Smirnoff but sometimes wasn't logged in and you're correct that 1002524 was his tmpID. But 1000744 ? I don't think you are right about this one being Sadam (maybe but it doesn't change much) The problem was Zi said in Autumn - that he didn't hear from Sadam for a long time and nobody knows where he is. - if you've seen Sadam and Smirnoff playing in october/november - ALL PROOFS that I have and wasn't pasting here yet (I CAN DO IT IF ANYBODY WANTS IT) - are not needed - because what you are showing here would be enough proof that Zi knew about Sadam being here. Just like he knew who really Smirnoff was - he said on my event asked by someone - that only two people know who Smirnoff is (I CAN PASTE LOG ABOUT IT HERE IF ANYBODY WANTS). And one was Him and second was Sadam. So misterSD - you just added another proof for Smirnoff deception. But I've got more to add (ONLY IF SOMEBODY NEEDS THAT). There is NOT POSSIBLE that Smirnoff is not Sadam. He is Sadam 100%. No doubts about it. Unless he has some twin brother who is 90% like Sadam and thinks like Sadam. Well - if so - I will admit my proofs are weak.

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  • Freebo

    ================================ Zi Said: "I just hope you are satisfied with pulling Youda out of Crysis now for real with no reason for coming back with all these mistrust conspiracy theories. Hope it was worth it." ================================ ZI ? Satisfied ? Who ? Me ? Bringing Youda case as Human Shield for your lies - is very low and unfair. But looks like it's the only way for you. So I understand this desperate move. I answered Youda already few hours after his post on forum - but IN PRIVATE. Where I told him that I trusted him always 100% and I always do. Because this is the fact. I always knew that he has ONLY good intentions - other thing is fixing problems between people. This requires consistency. You don't have to paste this link here - unles youre doing it for fun purposes. Or to make yourself look funny. Youda left only as Admin - simply because he has no time to fight with hate here. The truth is - that he has JUST 2-3 MONTHS during the year to check things here (was like that for last 3 years - and it's understandable - I wouldn't be playing or solving kindergarten problems of people during this important period of life, the university and begining real life either) - so he could be here for max 3 months - which is NOT enough to know WHO is WHO and WHAT WHO is doing. I doesn't work this way. Disinformation happens always when you're not at the place for around 80% of the time. It's obvious. This is why he said he failed fixing things - during last 2 years he brought great ammount of work - and he had plans to make things better - but fixing conflicts wasn't one of his works here. Not everybody can do and he knew it right from the start. He just was hoping that maybe he can do it. I'm tired of conflicts after 3.5 years myself - even more - but leaving because of that in my case wouldn't make any sense after what was going on here - because solution was ALWAYS EASY and I didn't have support in this. When you have only 3-4 haters, insulters during 3 years and only 5-6 hackers - you don't need much thinking to fix the problem - but you HAVE TO BE HERE and KNOW ALL THE FACTS. Be here every week - not just 3 months of the year. 3 months is good for playing on servers during summer, adding things to own servers and listening to needs of some people FROM TIME TO TIME, posting few messages on forum with ideas. Not to solve any conflicts or problems with hackers or insulters. It's not enough. I wouldn't be able to do it if I was here just for 3 months every year. And solution was always the same and VERY EASY - and both YOU and YOUDA agreed to it RIGHT FROM THE START - but putting it to life was other thing and somehow you couldn't do it - maybe because you were away most of the time. Solution always WAS and IS - according TO RULES that YOU HAVE PUT with your own FINGERS to the network's rules almost 3 years ago: 1. ask destroyers of fun for nice behaviour, discuss with them and if if they say "FU" anyway and admit "I don't care I will do what I want. F your rules"... ... 2. mute insulters and 3. ban hackers, cheaters and destroyers. SIMPLE way to fix most of issues between players. But to do it admins has to be at least on forum for 12 months of the year and receive reports at least 5 days of the week - not only during the summer or Christmas time. SO Youda admited he couldn't do it. And I wouldn't be able to do it during my university time - when I wasn't even aware what games exist at the time - because I had 10 years break period instead of solving some BS. His decision makes PERFECT sense. BUT - If you're trying to say that it was because of me that he left - I understand you're joking to hide the truth again. It's called attack ad hominem and using human shields made of those who are not part of the discussion. The problem is that Youda was being lied about Smirnoff, he believed the lie - and when I brought out the truth - it just helped Youda to made up his mind which I respect. He will be back 100% soon and forcing him to be admin and forcing him to solve some issues between players doesn't make any sense. It's not a job for everybody. You can't do it with good heart for everybody. It has to be done for Fair people who deserve it. And Youda should enjoy his life and have time to develope. Solving problems of 3-4 people here and changing setting on servers because people complain all the time - IS NOT developing anything it can only kill the spirit and creativity. His decision is Obvious and has nothing to do with me pointing out Smirnoff deception. If you don't understand it - I can't explain this to you any better. Anybody can see this easily. Things are cristal clear and hackers shouldn't be promoted here or covered by admins or other people. This will never happen here in the future. If you really want me to paste here all undeniable "proofs" that Smirnoff is SadamHusain and that you knew about it - JUST LET ME KNOW. People deserve the truth about cheating and insulting in the network. I have everything for few weeks already - but in many files - so I need few long hours to put everything in chronological order from mid 2015 to 2018 so it's another work from me for solving issues not created by me at all - I'm not sure it's worth pasting here. If somebody really needs PROOFS HERE - PLEASE LET ME KNOW - I will put it together with detailed descriptions, dates, logs, nicks and maybe even some IPs - and everything will be clear to anybody. But if nobody needs it - I won't bother. Ignoration around us is huge so probably nobody cares anyway. That doesn't change the fact that TRUTH can't lose with LIES which are disgusting in friendly communities and private networks. So it's your decision what do you want me to do with it. CLOSE THIS THREAD ? or PUBLISH Proofs for people.

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  • misterSD

    Well Freebo, in my comment I just noticed about a strange thing, but I have never said the theory of sadam-smirnoff was wrong. "I'm not saying the theory sadam-smirnoff is wrong," -> my quote about the theory itself, I am neutral and I prefer to stay it, I can not say who is right or wrong, it is true that many other things make think that smirnoff is sadam (by the way sashs did a video about it). I would not contradict anyone about it. (ps : I think it would be better if everyone can do the peace, anyway smirnoff has stopped crysis since some months) (double ps : you can show proofs, it would be good to see for everyone and close the discussion with the possible truth)

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  • misterSD

    and also freebo: I already criticized the fact that youda gives the moderator rank to anyone (even insulters, hackers and haters), the hotspot's staff has a lots of bad moderators, I quote names: HoneY ^ (insult everyone all the time), ali (hacker who is abusing moderator command time to time), $ 0sashs who provoke all players, bring hate and even insult a lot (I have did video about it ...) I called youda several time about react/remove some of them however he not answer me or he deny for a reason X....

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  • Zi;

    Well Freebo, sure you can post it, I'm already psychically drained anyway, but I don't wanna waste your time. The sooner the conflict gets resolved, the better

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  • heandel

    Tu cache des surprises toi hhh " ali (hacker who is abusing moderator command time to time) " si ali s'abuse avec ces commandes comme tu le dis ? tu fais quoi tous le temps avec les commandes que de l'abuse? juge toi avant de juger les autres , je suis pas l'avocat d'ali pour que les choses soit clair autre chose , c'est pas bien de jouer avec les cammndes tandis que les autres joueurs soient en ligne , cela engendre des bugs , et les joueurs se déconnectent les uns après les autres pour quitter le jeux ou pour chercher d'autre maps ou ilya pas un modérateur qui expérimente ces scripts , on a assez des lags et des bugs en mode normal pour qu'en on fait des autres .

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  • Freebo

    ============= Zi: "Well Freebo, sure you can post it, I'm already psychically drained anyway, but I don't wanna waste your time. The sooner the conflict gets resolved, the better" ============= There is no conflict at all. It's only about the truth not about wars. Believe me I have more important things on my mind to fight with. And more creative things to work on. If you're psychically drained you should relax and focus on something creative. It's not worth it. I just want simplicity in relations between people. People of network should stick together and protect it's environment against hacks or insults. Protect it with balls and courage to create safe place, for fun here. It's that simple. Creating another conflicts or lies doesn't make any sense in a world of lies and conflicts which was prepared for us before we were born. Everything falls apart if he do it even here. I'm going to wait if somebody wants those proofs and asks for them (I'm not counting you or misterSD - because you're both "insiders" not just players) - and if request comes - I will put huge amount of time and paste everything here. Hard to do during the week when I work. Let's see. Relax about it. This subject should be closed long ago anyway. Peace is what we need in network. Outside it there is no peace at all and most of us are tired of that - that's why should not allow cheating or insulting any time in the future here. Simple. Anyway. Later.

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