Improved ban system

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  • Zi;

    Hey, since there weren't many updates on SSM SafeWriting and ban system has it's flaws with these random profile IDs, here is script you can put to AdditionalScripts folder and put maybe add some IPs to ban list: IPBans = { --"", --"" }; ReversedIPBans = {} IPBanCount = 0 for i,v in pairs(IPBans) do ReversedIPBans[v]=true; IPBanCount = IPBanCount + 1; end printf("Built ban list for %d IPs", IPBanCount) function BanChecker(player) for i,v in pairs(SafeWriting.Settings.BannedProviders) do if then KickPlayer(player, "your provider is banned here") return; end end if ReversedIPBans[] then KickPlayer(player, "you are black-listed") return; end --if you do not wish to kick people with old client, remove following 5 lines!!! local pid = tonumber(player.profile); if pid>=800000 and pid<1000000 then KickPlayer(player, "please, update your client") return; end if IsPermabanned(player) then KickPlayer(player, "you are permabanned here"); return; end end SafeWriting.FuncContainer:AddFunc(BanChecker, "OnPlayerRevive") SafeWriting.FuncContainer:AddFunc(BanChecker, "CheckPlayer")

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  • SashsBrest

    Excellent job Zi. good reason to ban a cheater smirnoff aka Sadam Hussein [yt][/yt]

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  • Lukas

    Nice catch. :D Wasnt SadamHussein admin or moderator on Extreme Replay Mesa server? Another thing, from Mesa player to godlike player, seems legit. :)

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  • SashsBrest

    Thx Lukas) idk maybe in extreme server he too admin. Sadam delete all videos in channel XD Np i download him videos :DDD Here i play vs Sadam (aka smirnoff) he cant kill he dont use hacks! no hacks-no kills XD

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  • Freebo

    Sadam and Smirnoff are the same person of course - 100% confirmed last year. No doubts about that at all. But it was covered up by one admin so people didn't know. And it was fine when Smirnoff was trying to act (at least pretend to) be nicer. The thing is that Smirnoff, even when he insults, is much nicer than Sadam "incarnation" was - so think about it as of an inprovement and take it as positive thing that happened - still. At least it's possible to talk with him normally sometimes which I appreciate a lot and respect also - since I liked to talk to that person 4 years ago in some discussions. Adnd even later when he still didn't feel the desire to insult or hate without a reason. But - hiding the fact that it's the same person by him and by his cover-up friend - I don't respect it - but this is how people are and we have to deal with that. Call it a sandbox rules. Peope high up in governments are exactly acting the same way, they insult, don't respect and lie is normal for them. So don't treat it seriously here. It's "perfectly normal". Even if we want to change it, it will probably never happen. Let's hope that next, Third "AVATAR" of person who was using the nick Sadam before and Smirnoff now - will be even nicer and everything will be perfect. I have nothing against this. So let's wait and see. And please don't fight about this unless hacks will be 100% confirmed. In this case doesn't matter who he is - hacking tells it all. Remember that Nobody as a person - is hated here and never will be, as long as he is open to talk about problems and doesn't ignore things. No hate for anybody - only his actions, inults and unfair judgement can be hated. This is good thing to remember. I can't hate people personally. But if they destroy fun of others - I feel bad for others and it changes the attitude. Please remember that Zi's idea of "SafeWriting" in around 2012 was to create system for servers around, where bad words and insults are removed and forbidden. - So how does it look now ? Insuls are supported knowingly or unknowingly. A kind of contradiction and no sense at all. No sense at all again. Another thing is this huge improvement of new incarnation from regular player to pro aimer - is thing to investigate anyway. But people who were covering him up should put some time in that problem. Otherwise admin fuunction would be just a joke. Which lately it turnes out to be. I still can't judge cheating myself all I know new incarnation called Smirnoff from is around 6 long conversations during Talk event. And It was quite ok there for me even though personality was reveiled from time to time. Still quite a change since Sadam's attitude. But I heard opinion what Smirnoff does on other servers - this is why I was against making his server ranked and official last year. Keep it calm and don't put negativity into play. Not worth it. Lets stay open for open people. Should be fun.

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  • SashsBrest

    Hello Freebo.Sadam play vs me all time with score 30-5 50-10. he change name and him skill increased? i cant kill him (he use aimbot in low distance) its not good bro. he must delete hacks. and say sorry for all players

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  • Lukas

    I dont think people care about him being nice or not. People want justice and thats what is not coming and they are a little angry about it, which is reasonable. For example I reported MURAT for using trainer, none of the admins responded. So I dont know if he got banned or not, it looks like nobody cares. Same goes to Smirnoff... And thats the thing, admins should be more active or recruit more admins with tools (commands) to investigate such a problem like aimbot users. I respect them for what they did but without administration its gonna be chaos, where everyone can do what they want, thats how it looks right now.

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  • Freebo

    SASHS: Hello Freebo.Sadam play vs me all time with score 30-5 50-10. he change name and him skill increased? i cant kill him (he use aimbot in low distance) its not good bro. he must delete hacks. and say sorry for all players Yes I know even players who played with Smirnoff few months ago and he was just medium player (just like Sadam always was) they say that hi magically started to win - so he is at the top of the list in statistics - this is why I asked for removing ranked and official mark from his server. At least I could do that. LUKAS: I dont think people care about him being nice or not. People want justice and thats what is not coming and they are a little angry about it, which is reasonable. For example I reported MURAT for using trainer, none of the admins responded. So I dont know if he got banned or not, it looks like nobody cares. Same goes to Smirnoff... Youre 100% right. But HUGE problem with Sadam was always that he was insulting - he wasn't using cheats before (at least his score didn't show it) and he wasn't pro aimer to be any problem for people - besides insulting. He was insulting everywhere just for fun - and spreading hate - which made many people leave. So now if he is using cheats + he is being covered up and supported by main admins - it's just crazy and doesn't make any sense. It's unfair towards everybody who plays fair, never uses cheats and never insults. I agree 100%. LUKAS: And thats the thing, admins should be more active or recruit more admins with tools (commands) to investigate such a problem like aimbot users. I respect them for what they did but without administration its gonna be chaos, where everyone can do what they want, thats how it looks right now. I agree again - this is what I've been telling for years. But looks like other admins don't care. And I really mean that. They don't care even if you write long discussions with them on private for years. They always have different point of view. You can be sure things like that were never accepted on my servers - and guess who had the biggest hate from insulters in the network always. It never brings anything positive if admins are not cooperating on those things. They say they will and next month you see they bring back insulters or they cover them up and pretend they are new players who are "helpful" for whole network. They even give them official ranked servers - even though official means 100% trusted - not full on insults arrogance and things like that. But still I think when insulter - who's only problem was that he was insulting - changes to less insulting guy - is always nice change. And again bringing cheats into play for the price of being a bit nicer doesn't make it more fair - I agree. So this should be investigated - but it won't be because he as an "insider" thanks to admins support. Co-operating with him in every step. I tell you it's all just a joke. There is no full system controll against insulters or hacker - and all that is because admins are helping some of them and letting them play so even if super strong protection will be created - those "supported" by admins players will receive info about holes in the system just to let them play. It is sick, always was. And nothing is changing. If you know any super way to fix that - besides "asking" some admins for years to "care" - let me know. I ask very seriously. I've been fighting with this problem for over 3 years and as you can see somebody who is banned officialy and after request of many fair players - can return easily, and receives speciall treatment from some admins who will always cover them up because it's some kind of slavery system they can't break out from. I agree that right now after years - problem is only on admins side. 3 Years ago those thing should be definitely solved. But the answer was always "let's give them tenth chance" And Lukas recruiting new admins ? - this is what some main admins do - they recruit moderators out of the group of insulters - no sense at all - but if you are asking for more - they will recruit others without checking them first - which will end up like it was with Smirnoff last year. Really - hours and hours on conversations, examples, screens dumped to trush. We wouldn't have any problems today if some admins had balls and common sense. I don't have problems personally on my servers - but I don't fight right now My personal problem was and is different - I was promoting the network for 3 years on Youtube, in comments there - sometimes few times every day - telling them how friendly and fair it is to come here - and then watching supported cheaters and insulters just insulting those new players who came to check and have fun. Over 3 years and it's the same level of nonsense and insult-support. Nothing has changed. And considering another cover up of old insulters it's much worse. I even stopped my friday friendly events in November because I saw that fair play players have no support from admins and instead of creative discussions even of this friendly event people were arguing and fighting with words. Sashs knows what I mean and Smirnoff also does. They came even there to talk about things that wouldn't exist if admins would solve the problem years ago. And Lukas again - you say "it's gonna be chaos". No. It's been chaos for 3.5 years. Because 3-5 insulters or cheaters had more power than admins of ths system who create whole thing pay for everything with own money and put own time to make it all work. Because some admins had no balls to react being affraid to receive hate. And now - when insulters have even technical support from admins - it's just more crazy chaos. It's called "stockholm syndrome" BTW You can always vote for things on forum. If people join the vote it will mean something for some admins. All I get is hate when I want to fix those things personally. How long should I try it? I'm the owner of 50% of the network only so I can solve it in 50% - which is not enough. Is 50% worth creating another hate war. I thought Crysis is place for fun, fair play fight, exploration, jumping and friendly conversations - exchange of hate makes it just stupid. I don't understad why they love to do it so much. But if somebody can't build things - he feels cool when he can destroy. One of insulders was always saying "this network is dead" - and he didn't mean that there are not many players - what he meant was - he can't insult without being kicked out - he also said "I don't care about doing things for others I just want to have fun". This shows - there is no future of this network without reaction of sonme admins. But maybe if 20 people vote for something that will help. Any time I try something it doesn't work finally - but what works almost always is that I receive the hate just for saying things - hate from old insulters, new ignorants (who were brainwashed and misleaded by those insulters so they think they know the story) and from admins when I report problems - the same admins who are away for 6 months of the year and then they come to "fix" things sometimes just by giving extra rights to insulters. Or saying "lets give him a chance". Nuthouse is nothing comparing to this.

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  • misterSD

    @lukas, about murat I reacted, he just again used hacks 2 days ago on my server and got permaban :) it's sad to see there is some guys who come on crysis to only kill the gameplay. Anyway lukas, if you see him on any hotspot server, you can deal with him with !vote kick command.

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  • Zi;

    >>Np i download him videos :DDD Here i play vs Sadam (aka smirnoff) he cant kill he dont use hacks! no hacks-no kills XD Comparing 4 years old video to 1 month old video is not really an objective comparison of skill. And as far as I know, most of reported cheaters are banned on NoobSpot, including MURAT. About Smirnoff thing, in my opinion, having server with 20 noobs and Smirnoff protecting them is still better than server with 20 noobs and 10 pros who smash them without mercy, giving them no choice but to leave the server. And so far only ones who complained are pros, not newbies :) After all, server name is NoobSpot.

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