Cant connect

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  • ali

    so start 32-bit version

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  • Comrade

    You use 32-bit version and GS login screen is still there? Then you probably have Crysis from Origin. It's broken by EA, so you need to download and install CryMP client for Origin.

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  • Comrade

    By the way, 64-bit version needs Vista compatibility mode, otherwise it crashes every time.

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  • abowadi

    hellooo when i press join to a server from the site ,, it show this window and the game dont start , if ichoose Crysis.exe the game will open but it wont connect to server ,, i have the game by steam and i install the patch and i have the shortcut on desktop but i can't choose shortcuts i need help

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  • Comrade

    Hello, multiplayer shortcut created on desktop is preffered way because in-game server list is better. Using Join here on the website is feature from old times and it may be removed in future but it should work. So, does the multiplayer shortcut on your desktop work or not? You can create new shortcut - the original one just starts Crysis with -mod sfwcl parameter. You can also configure Steam to start Crysis with this parameter so you don't need any shortcut at all.

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  • abowadi

    the shortcut works fine thanks :D but i think i have random ID now !

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  • Comrade

    Yes, you have. Here's the best way how to fix it: 1) open your profile page here on the website, there should be something like this: secu_login abowadi ... 2) copy the entire line with secu_login 3) open empty notepad and paste it there 4) save it as autoexec.cfg (without .txt suffix) to the Crysis root directory And now you will be automatically logged in every time you start Crysis.

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