server without SafeWriting, is it possible?

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  • golden_elite13

    Hi all. I would like to setup a crymp server but I want to know if it is possible to get it on the crymp Network without using the SSM SafeWriting ? I don't say I don't want to use this Mod but i would know if it is possible to appear on the CryMP servers list with others SSM, or if it absolutely needs the SFW dll and lua parts. Thank you :)

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  • Zi;

    Well, of course it is possible without SSM SafeWriting, but you are gonna face lot of coding to make it appear on CryMP

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  • golden_elite13

    Thank you for reply Zi; I know it needs a lot of code to do that, and that's why SafeWriting exists but if I still want to use another SSM, would you explain me how to make the server appear on the list ? Is it possible only in lua ?(so without the sfw dll?) I know it's not smart to ask for that, because SafeWriting already exists but I really would to try others SSM for my server to make it a bit different from Sfw ^^ Could you say quickly the way do to this ?

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  • misterSD

    It is possible with Cryfire.

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  • Comrade

    Open your CryNetwork.dll in some editor like Notepad++: press Ctrl + F, select Replace and use it to replace "" with "" (click on Replace All). After this "patch" you can use any SSM you want or even server without any SSM... but there's big but - your server will be visible only on that classic server list (Crysis main menu > Multiplayer > Internet game). If you want to have your server on console server list and also here you will have to use SSM SafeWriting or SSM CryFire or as Zi said you can code it for your SSM. Ask Zi for more info about how CryMP master works. :)

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  • golden_elite13

    Thank you for reply Comrade, i'll try this ^^

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  • Zi;

    Well, that makes you appear only in ingame serverlist, but not at webpage. Yes it is possible only with Lua, but first you need to download some external application like cURL to be able to connect HTTP from Lua, then you need to send HTTP requests to CryMP using cURL, for example you could simply do: os.exec("curl.exe") in Lua, if you are able to do this already, I can describe further way to make yourself appear on official server list

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  • golden_elite13

    Thank you for reply zi; I know cURL but never used it ^^ i can try anyway xD ; however it's not a problem If I can't do that, it's simply for fun (and my curiosity). Thank you for your informations Zi; :)

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  • golden_elite13

    okay i downloaded curl and it is ready to use, "os.execute("curl.exe")" works, but now i don't know lua code to get the server on CryMP ^^

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  • Zi;

    So, to get input from curl, you should do it like this: os.execute("curl.exe > output.txt") and read output.txt later function http_request(url) os.exec("curl.exe \\""..url.."\\" > output.tmp") local f,"output.tmp","r") if f then local content=f:read("*all") f:close() return content else return nil end end Now you need URL encode function, which could work like this: function urlencode(str) return str:gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]",function(chr) return string.format("%%%02X",chr:byte(1,1)) end) end

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