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  • Zi;

    I wont read whole log, so I paste only some "important parts" here: <ICG>$5Youda$4CZ don't worry, i'm not playing SHIALENDRA_KR hi <ICG>$5Youda$4CZ just need to talk to Coregamer Coregamer ? :D Coregamer Poznam ta =D <ICG>$5Youda$4CZ ach boze :/ ty asi nemas rad Crysis co? oh god, you probably dont like crysis, what? Coregamer preco =d why? =d Coregamer preco =D why? =D <ICG>$5Youda$4CZ ty asi chces ban, ze? you want ban probably, right? SHIALENDRA_KR what happen here? Coregamer preco? why? SHIALENDRA_KR coregame Coregamer ? SHIALENDRA_KR its not work for me Coregamer run as admin and press 9 <ICG>$5Youda$4CZ ze zkousis trainery jeste ok, ale ze je ucis ostatni :/ the thing that you are trying trainers is still ok, but that you teach others :/ Coregamer ne , no Coregamer on ma freezer hack hes got freeze hack Coregamer To on ucil mne he taught me <ICG>$5Youda$4CZ mas blby ze ctu logy thats pretty bad for you, that i read logs Coregamer precti si pistol hack read pistol hack <ICG>$5Youda$4CZ ale zase mas stesti, ze anticheat je off, protoze dela lagy a but youre lucky, that anticheat is off, cause it makes lags and <ICG>$5Youda$4CZ pro 10 lidi se to nevyplati for 10 people its useless Coregamer a co jako? nic tu nedalame spatnyho and what? we dont do anything wrong here SHIALENDRA_KR man this is show SHIALENDRA_KR run game misterSD stop with this hack speed! SHIALENDRA_KR but i am going to run Coregamer hahaha mister, you called youda? SHIALENDRA_KR this is open game folder . . .

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  • Coregamer

    Do you remember any sentence or part of sentence you exactly said[/quote] I think yes, but i don´t think it will really make any difference, only "purifying" name... I don´t want to damage the name of others in the process aswell lol Clearly, i should have not told others anything... as i said, i am going to write facebook message to the hacker to stop using the hack... I think he will. Lol...

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  • Zi;

    Atleast you admit it and will try to repair it, that is appreciated, atleast on my side, but what about Youda?

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  • Youda008

    Look, we are not NaziCrysis to permaban everyone after first time they make a trouble. We treat our players individualy. All of us are just humans and do mistakes. Maybe Freebo is different opinion, but i want to give everyone second chance. In other games it's common practice, that detected cheater is automaticaly banned and added to public shared databaze of hackers, so that he can't join any other server anymore. You with your friends cheated repeatedly and WTF?!? Instead of being thankful for my tolerance, you call us fools and 14 years old kids for even talking about it? Where exactly do you see 14 years kids among admins? Well Zi is 16, but he is definitely more adult, than 95% of us here. And even more WTF is, that here you diss us about wanting to ban cheater, but on GermanCrysis you speak about us as providers, "Where they don´t ban anyone for any insult or cheat". So first please get it clear in your mind, what you really want. Now i will just pretend, that i haven't seen anything and you will unlearn your friend and yourself to use cheats, ok?

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  • Lukas

    And about the hacks - there was actually another hacker on the server WHO TAUGHT ME how to use the hack pistol hack and this player actually changed his name routinely. He however, gave me his Facebook and I must say that he is a very good person, shame that you want to ban people like this This is enough for me, he has to be a very good person when he uses cheats on public servers and urges other players to use it too. (logic level Coregamer) Btw. how you dare come here and complain about something? Just shut up and be grateful for those "14 year old kids" that they won't ban you forever, you small poor innocent.

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  • Coregamer

    Youda, absolutely. I am sorry if i said anything bad, but i was so amgry when i read a post like this against me 1 hour before new year lol... I will edit what i said bad asap, because i am writing this from a skiing hill lol btw: you are one of my favorite admins =p =D

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  • HoneY^

    Hmm CoreGamer I don't have against you nothing .You insulted much of players , if you think I am young . Try to poolday_v2 , we can play 1vs1 .Years dosen't matter and I am older player than you. I have more experience than you , and you insult many admins . I saw with my eyes you insult and players like FusioN.UESE and you have to be more polite . IF u want match vs me tell here :)

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  • Freebo

    Happy New Year guys. Let's start the year with clear accounts ;) Because this year has to be the best one - also for Crysis Multiplayer.

    I'm just glad I wasn't here yesterday. Because as I said before conversations with those who has no respect for basic rules is just loss of time and energy. Just an advice for others for the future. Thank you. About 14 years old is the truth. Of course not those who were listed here because they are older, very respecful and for sure - 100% trustworthy unlike some. But yeah - I've already gave admin rights to 14 year old guys (on my servers only) but the thing is they are more adult and more trustworthy than most of 25 - 40 years old that I know from Crysis :) So the age is not the case here at all. But we need to be adult enough to recognize responsibility, sincerity and honesty of some people. Not everyone can unfortunatelly. BTW. I don't know anything about Coregamer really - only thing I remember (as Frankie reminded) he was asking me few days ago on Crysis1.com's "short messages" system to finish Parkour City (just for him like he was a kind of special or something). So I wasn't even posting anything here directly to him. Not on CryMP.Net for sure. But of course looks like he can't read with understanding or something and starts to have some problems with me also. Maybe ignorance and understanding of simple messages i this is the problem. He is skiing now - as he planned few days ago - so doesn't even care about anything for real. Why should he. Nobody's banned on my servers so far. But then again - I won't bother with "warnings" if I see some hacks or disrespect for other players. It's because I always think about others here. I don't care myself because I'm not even playing now - so I won't get pissed like it was before - in the old days. I won't get pissed after meeting hacker on servers that I was paying for - who was destroying everything. It's not about me really :) I respect others who play on my servers even if I'm not there for many weeks. And I can't let hackers destroy gameplay of nice players. I wouldn't change my opinion even though 50% of players were hackers. I prefer empty servers than to "don't care". Rule is rule. Second chance ? - yes but only if you can see that chance for somebody. I gave it many times. It doesn't work for all unfortunatelly. Remember this - all people being equal is a myth promoted by ignorants or happy ones who were never affected by some "equal" criminals. It doesn't work this way - some will just never learn. I saw it many times - belive me. Finally - the last thing for those who still don't get it - Can't you understand hacking, teaching hacks or promoting hacks to others is like a crime in virtual world. Wake up finally - if you don't understand that. It's the same crime as vandalism or beating people on the streat (looks like some are doing that also or at least want to - but are scared in real life). The "only" difference here is that this happens on virtual grounds. But it's still harming real people who have paid for the game, saved some free time on weekend and wanted to play using basic rules of Fair Play. Furthermore it's not fun to harm others in any possible way just because they play fair, don't know glitches, bugs or are just beginners and want to learn things. It's so simple to understand by civilized people. I just feel stupid (again) explaining theese basics. Same goes to those whose who don't hack but don't respect others on servers. Advice for multiplayer hackers: Create your server - with name like: "admin is a hacker - come have fun" and wait there. It will be OK and Fair Play. You will have fun, be fair also feel like OP gods. Will be good enough. It's not a joke. Only way to be fair with hacks. Hacking elsewhere than on own, marked server is like coming to someone's house and stalking his guests and family. All you can get for it is immediate punch in the nose and being arrested by police for 24 hours. It's so simple to understand and complaining for being arrested would be as irrational as complaining for being kicked or banned for hacking. What's wrong with theese guys. Wake up !

    Happy New Year with fresh minds. We all need this.

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  • HoneY^

    I don't ban anyone , I'm not Admin , Moderator or something , don't lie . ( CoreGamer ) Don't worry anyone of US , they all know me :)

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  • HoneY^

    He called me cheater when I beat him in Poolday_v2. I told him I don't have cheats , I said : No , I promise you I don't have any cheat. He said :" I know , you can turn it off for 1 sec I used them" Guys like him makes crysis die -_-

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